Top Strategies of Manifesting Generators in Design

Spending almost six months of 12-hour days sorting and assessing over 200,000 words for use in the method of Random Word Stimulation was a lengthy and arduous procedure. It was also very enlightening and enlightening. By the end of the endeavour we must have considered every notion which may be expressed by one word, the sum total of shared human experience. Dictionaries are normally used to look up specific words to describe Definition, assess appropriate spelling and pronunciation, or find thesaurus relationships between phrases.

Instead we sought to examine each and every word separately to ascertain their value in relation to the method of Random Word Stimulation. Words that passed our selection criteria were then sorted into classes optimized for a variety of applications. After this unconventional class afforded us the opportunity to experience the English language from a special perspective and we accidentally discovered some interesting patterns that emerged along the way.

As we all know many phrases have the same or similar meanings, and many words pertain to various aspects of the same subject. It appears reasonable to conclude that subjects with the most words attributed to them need to hold a higher position of popularity in the hierarchy of human expertise. Some subjects have a wonderful many facets to think about, many nuances that reflect the inherent depth and breadth of human perception credited to a subject.

The Secret is out

Concerning the above felt obliged to report we could not help but notice one particular topic that came up with alarming frequency. The truth is it came up so often we were forced to consider whether it justified its group although ultimately we thought better of it. Nearly all our categories were intentionally designed to be of a more generalized manifesting generator so we did not keep a detailed account of the number of words was attributed to certain subjects.

Human Design Development

But looking back over this crucial phase of our development cycle, the one most conspicuous topic that stood out head and shoulders above the rest, the topic with more words credited to it than any other, the subject we have to assume is the best known and most widely recognized fact throughout the whole history of humankind, and as it happens the exact subject that inspired this guide, was to put it bluntly – the stupidity of people.

There it is the secret is out, and I understand just broaching this Sensitive subject is committing figurative seppuku in light of the present prevailing culture of political correctness, but it needed to be done. There is absolutely no escape from this embarrassing truth, it is right there in print, carved in stone yet well hidden within the pages of what is the most unbiased source of information we have the dictionary.